
Moth desire bigger than life, pinning. Glowing head on flying Super Nova (have you ever seen such a thing?). I swear them books send out a high voltage. Heart of Gin jumping out the window. All fever-fever brothel brewed scent consuming insects. He, Fly-King on his back, falling. She, pornographic-shootingstar spiting shirt and shoes (can you believe it?). Barking nightmare on American Dream. He suffers for her… "Kiss-it-strong-kiss-inside-her-whole-come-to-me-concubine!” She suffering for him, “Inside-her-whole-of-him-imense-penetrating-art-thou-angel-face-Romeo!”. Fly-King exhibits drowned wings on feverish mouths and a river all of his own. Instant combustion. Head burning. I’m not sure but these walls seem to collapse into fissures of 1000 undressing girls. Blood relieved dresses praying: He never no more himself ready for resurrection. She forever always herself Salome. Amen.
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